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Értesüljön akcióinkról, legyen naprakész a megjelenő új termékekről, legyen első, aki hírt kap az akcióinkról.
By combining shower doors and side walls you can create variants of rectangular or square screens - see photo gallery. Suitable sidewall types can be found in the accessories.
SIGMA shower enclosures place great emphasis on elegance, airiness, functionality and ease of maintenance. The chrome-plated aluminum profiles and the sophisticated metal handle will surely please every fan of the modern style ( most of the doors can be exchanged for a different design - see accessories). The screens are made of 6 mm thick safety glass. The watertightness of the door is ensured by a vertical silicone and magnetic seal, you will find a unique TOPSEAL seal between the bath and the screen. The tilting travel system is used for easy maintenance. We recommend a special set of PRO COMFORT and TOP COMFORT to clean the glass.
Extended warranty 3 years