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Értesüljön akcióinkról, legyen naprakész a megjelenő új termékekről, legyen első, aki hírt kap az akcióinkról.
Cabinet under the sink, standing
Washbasin and handles are not part of the cabinet, must be purchased separately.
The furniture is delivered assembled, ready for immediate installation. Install the furniture on a flat wall. If the cabinet body is twisted, the function of the closing mechanisms may fail. Do not expose furniture to permanent humidity and contact with water. Ventilate the bathroom properly after use. Use silicone sealant to prevent it from flowing into the cabinet.
The WESTERN series combines solid wood cabinets with ceramic washbasins by the Italian manufacturer GSI or with ROCKSTONE / Solid Surface artificial stone tiles with recessed ceramic washbasins. The series is dominated by massive legs and a decorative cross on the sides of the cabinets. The drawers with soft closing are equipped with HETTICH pull-outs and you can choose from two types of handles - antique silver and starobronz. Cabinets are available in two colors - old-white and stained spruce (Walnut Antik). Cabinet widths are 80, 100, 120 and 145 cm. An optional cabinet with glass doors and two drawers is also available.
SURFACE TREATMENT = Furniture is stained with 1 layer of stain, topcoat is from Italian company ASTRA VERNICI. Surface treatment WHITE = Furniture is painted with a basic white matt paint, the top coat is made by the Italian company ASTRA VERNICI.
The products in this series can also be combined with optional handles from the BRAND series, such as shelves, additional shelf cabinets, stools and storage benches in the same décors as WESTERN.